Online Giving
You can easily give online from your phone, tablet or computer. Velocity uses Pushpay to make sure your online giving is secure.
We recently made a change in our online giving platform and we're asking that anyone who had a recurring gift set up through the Velocity Online Community (CCB) please login to cancel that old recurring gift and set up a new gift using PushPay via the Give Online Now button below.
Wreck the Roof
Help us build sustainable housing for a family in Uganda who have taken in over 35 girls to keep them out of poverty and the sex trade.
More Ways to Give
You can also give via text message. Simply text "Give" to (877) 571-2305 and follow the directions.
If you aren't comfortable with online giving, or just prefer giving cash or a check, we also take up an offering each Sunday morning. Just place your offering in the black box located in the back the of auditorium.
You can mail a check in to Velocity Church:
ATTN Accounting Department.
P.O. Box 21089
South Euclid, OH 44121